Medical certificates

All offshore workers must have valid medical certificates.

On this page you can find information on medical certificates and petroleum doctors.

Norwegian medical certificates can only be issued by autorized petroleum doctors. 

Acceptance of British and Dutch medical certificates for offshore diving

County Governor of Rogaland has, in accordance with section 20 in the regulations regarding health requirements, determined that these medical certificates are accepted in line with the Norwegian certificate of medical fitness for diving on the Norwegian Continental shelf:

Working offshore in Norway with British and Dutch medical certificates

Offshore workers from abroad can from 6 December 2012 use the British and Dutch medical certificates when they go offshore in Norway.


The Norwegian acceptance of Oil & Gas UK medical certificates will not be affected by the UK leaving the European Union.

Forms for health certification of offshore workers

Here you find information about forms for self-declaration, medical examination, declaration of non compliance with medical requirements and health certificate for persons working in the petroleum activities on offshore installations. The forms were released i 2012 and are marked with the Norwegian Directorate of Health's logo. This page has links in the menu on the right side for downloading the forms.

The complain process in treatment of cases of exemption

If the County Governor deems that the conditions for issuing a certificate of medical fitness are not fulfilled, you can make an appeal within 3 weeks of notification of the decision. The County Governor will refer your case to the Appeal Board.

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