
Bildet viser åtte smilende mennesker av ulikt kjønn og alder som står ute i en moden kornåker. De holder ulike matprodukter, blomster eller kornaks i hendene. I front står ei blid, lyshåra kvinne med ei trekasse full av grønsaker.

The County Governor is the driving force behind value generation and development in food production. Food production must satisfy consumers’ desire for safe food, quality, variety and environmentally friendly production. At the same time, food production must be competitive and market-oriented. The County Governor administers funding schemes for production, distribution, marketing and sales. 

Business development within food production is, among other things, linked to a knowledge of local food culture and local specialities, tourism and travelling, food quality, health and expertise.

In this development work, the County Governor co-operates with other central government agencies, Innovation Norway, county authorities, municipalities and different organisations.

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